John McCain: Delivering Us From ‘Evil’

Chris Kelly has a funny, brief piece on today’s Huffington Post about John McCain’s vapid, shallow ‘responses’ to substantial issues (and a bit about more Palin lies): “Evil must be defeated!” — John McCain 8/16/08 “Enough is enough! We’re going to put an end to greed!” — John McCain 9/17/08 America’s choice is clear. Barack […]

Olbermann’s Special Comment on 9/11 (TM)

Once again, Keith Olbermann knocks one into the upper deck with this Special Comment. He calls out the Republican Presidential campaign for exploiting 9/11 (despite being the party in charge at every level at the time of the attack) and John McCain for claiming to know how to catch Osama Bin Laden, but only at […]

McCain Ads Reach A New Low

Un-be-lievable. The depths the McCain campaign is sinking to. Watch the ad: “BARACK OBAMA WANTS TO TEACH YOUR 5-YEAR-OLD ABOUT SEX. DID I MENTION HE IS BLACK AS WELL? OH, AND A MUSLIM? We are the party of Family Values. And that family, especially the Palins, is growing bigger every day. Come join the team […]

Forget What I Said Before. No, Really

The writers at the Daily Show must have a massive database of video clips and their textual annotations to be able to parse them all to find gems like this.  Watch Karl Rove as he heaps praise upon Sarah Palin for her governing experience in the fine metropolis of Wasilla, Alaska.  This after, oh wait, […]

Experience Matters! Well, For The Other Guys Anyway

Great clip of CNN’s Campbell Brown trying to get a single straight answer about Sarah Palin‘s executive experience. It quickly becomes obvious that McCain aide Tucker Bounds has no response, and instead resorts to continually regurgitating party talking points. The Republicans have clearly decimated their own best argument against “lack of experience.”

John McCain’s Lack of Intellectual Curiosity

Jack Cafferty ponders John McCain and his similarities to George W. Bush. His conclusion? That McCain is “intellectually shallow”, citing his often terse and bumbling answers to substantive questions. “I am sick and tired of the president of the United States embarrassing me.“