Shock and… very little Awe

This look said it all.

The look that screamed, "WTF just happened here?!"

That look belonged to one Chris Daughtry.

Dialidol got it right again.  This marks a very sad day in the world of amusing, but ultimately meaningless, television — Ladies and gentleman, your American Idol: Taylor Hicks.

Watch the live announcement (click the link ~1/4 way through).  Absolutely no one saw this coming.

Try Sirius radio for free

If you haven’t experienced satellite radio yet, here’s your chance.

Try Sirius free for 10 days.

I made them give me got Sirius installed in my new Pacifica, and it’s really nice to be able to listen to virtually any type of music… or talk.  Rock, Pop, Hip Hop, Jazz, Talk Radio, News, Comedy… it’s all there.

I’m not evangelizing it as much as I did with Tivo/PVR (they really do change your life habits!), but it’s still worth a listen.  And I’m certainly not about to hawk Sirius stock!

It was just OK for me, dawg

… pretty much sums up last night’s Idol.

No one was really great.  Many were actually kinda bad.  But when the alternative is seeing the Flyers put up a valiant last stand in their 7-1 season-ending loss (their worst playoff loss in history), I watched to the end.

Chris has got this in the bag if:

  1. his pipes hold out
  2. stupid middling-talent Taylor’s vote-whores "Soul Patrol" aren’t able to steal it at the end

Kat was good again tonight, but really I can’t see her besting the Top 3.

Colbert at the Correspondents’ Dinner

Click the picture on the left to watch Steven Colbert’s speech (3 parts) at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner Saturday  Friday night.  It was a bit too harsh and overly ironic at times (to the point of being annoying), but some of the bits are pretty funny.  "It’s like boxing a glacier. Enjoy that metaphor, by the way, because your grandchildren will have no idea what a glacier is."

Here’s a transcript of the speech as well.

Chris & Kat

Should be the final 2.  But what do I know?  I’m not a teen with 2 hours to speed dial in one hand while texting with the other.  Katherine got my vote (and 5 more) before she even sang her first note, though… woo hoo!

To see her performance, watch here.

They really are the two best performers on the show, and according to (thanks Cora!), it looks like they should be safe.

The Pickler act has worn thin, and we should be seeing the last of her… until she ends up in Playboy to raise money to spring her papa from the big house.